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Microsoft unplugged? About sneaky software, secret data collection and a European headache


After all the media attention for the use of the security and antivirus software of the Russian company Kaspersky Lab (now forbidden for Dutch civil servants), the fuss and commotion about the privacy violations of Facebook and the noisy turmoil surrounding the Chinese telecom company Huawei, the media has been relatively - and scarily - quiet about the sneaky software, the large-scale privacy violations and the mysterious data streams of Microsoft.

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Microsoft unplugged? Over sneaky software, geheime dataverzameling en een Europees hoofdpijndossier


Na alle media - aandacht voor het (inmiddels voor Nederlandse ambtenaren verboden) gebruik van de beveiligings - en antivirus software van het Russische Kapersky Lab, de ophef en commotie over de privacy - schendingen van Facebook en het luidruchtige tumult rondom het Chinese telecombedrijf Huawei, blijft het angstvallig en relatief stil rondom de sneaky software , de grootschalige privacy - schendingen en de mysterieuze datastromen van Microsoft.

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(How to avoid ) Tons of trouble in SAP’s software licence bubble


On indirect use, a brake on the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, financial and legal uncertainty and a disturbed relationship between software suppliers and their customers.

While many software vendors are pushing their customers - gently or more forcefully - towards the cloud and are claiming to be modern businesses, in practice they are still often using old-fashioned contract clauses that frustrate their customers' roll-out of the Internet of Things and the development of Industry 4.0, and wreck their own reputation and goodwill.

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