Anja van Tongerlo

Anja van Tongerlo

Legal secretary

Anja van Tongerlo

About Anja

About Anja

Anja van Tongerlo works at Westphal Johansen Advocaten as legal secretary. If you contact the office, your first contact will be with her.

She has worked as a legal secretary for more than 20 years, and has been with Westphal Johansen Advocaten since 1 March 2017. Anja has a keen interest in law. This led to her successfully pursuing an HBO Law degree. Through this study and work experience within the legal profession, she has extensive knowledge and experience in the legal field and is able to actively support the lawyers in their work.

Anja is very involved in the lawyers’ practice, knows what is going on and is happy to assist clients. Depending on your question, she may refer it to the lawyer who specialises in that field.